April 28, 2011

Why we have too few women leaders

Highlights from Sheryl Sandberg's talk:

-Out of 190 heads of state, 9 are women

-only 15-20% of women are at the top of large agencies/businesses

-only 1/3 of married women in the workforce have children, while 2/3 of married men in the workforce have children.

1. sit at the table

-women underestimate their own abilities

-women do not negotiate for themselves in the workforce

-men attribute their success to themselves, women attribute their success to others

-success and likeability are positively correlated for men, and negatively correlated for women

2. make your partner a real partner

-in a dual income household, typically the woman does twice the amount of housework and three times the amount of childcare compared to the man

-couples that have the same income are half as likely to get divorced

3. don’t leave before you leave

-once a woman begins thinking about having a child, she takes on less responsibilities and opportunities

- your job needs to be really challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding to be motivated to go back to work after having a child

-keep your foot on the gas pedal until you know you are having a child

What do you think?


  1. First off, I love this talk. I watch TED talks all the time, but never heard of TED Women... who knew!?

    Second, I loved that she is the COO of Facebook... you know she is doing something right...!

    Women underestimating their own abilities is HUGE. I remember hearing that about two years ago. I find myself doing that almost on a daily basis. But seriously, in life, if you do say something confident, it sounds so odd coming out of your mouth. Try it one day at work... it's the strangest sensation...

    I volunteer with a young group of girls in a youth program after school. The other day there was a lesson on body image and being proud of what you looked like. We had to go around the circle and say what we liked about ourselves best. When it got to my turn, I froze. I legitimately could not think of a single thing. And it's not that I am not proud of who I am, it just had been SO long since I actually said something positive about myself out loud!

    Thanks for posting MissEd and I look forward to more posts!

  2. Thanks for the comments valgal and thinkpink!
    Excellent point! We go so long without thinking a positive thing about our bodies, its as though its a subconscious thing to always talk ourselves down. Is that societal or natural do you think?
    This is a great segue to my next post! Stay tuned!
    Thanks again,
